Please access GMS by clicking here RFU GMS and click on "Create New Account". When applying for a Mini or Youth (under 18) player, enter your details and create your account first and then add your child / children, to create and link their GMS record to you.
Click on "Create New Account"
Enter your your details as the Parent / Guardian first
Use your proper name not nicknames or abbreviations (i.e Elizabeth not Liz, Charles not Charlie)
Ensure you enter the correct date of birth
Enter your Post Code to search for your address click on
select your address then click "Next"
Enter and confirm your password following the required format
If you agree click the Privacy Notice check boxes, check the Required Waivers to confirm you agree to the Login and GMS Terms and Condition of use.
Scroll down to Required Waivers and then click "next"
You will then see your account is being created
Your account is created, now click on "Add a Club" to search for and select Guildford RFC.
Type "Guildford RFC" in Name and click search, then select Guildford RFC in the result.
Your account is now linked with Guildford RFC and you can now create an account for your child/children.
To add your child , click on your profile then click on "Add Person"
Scroll through the screens and enter the details of your child.
Once your child's GMS account is created, click on "Add a Club"
Click on the default "Guildford RFC" to add this organisation to their account
You child is now linked to Guildford RFC, you can now register your child to play by clicking on "Registration"
"Register to Play (Age Grade) (Child's Name)"
Although not mandatory please search for and enter the name of their school.
Go back to "To Add Your Child" and repeat this process to add each additional child to your account.
To continue and purchase your membership use link to Membership
If you have any questions or a problem following the above, please do not hesitate to email Membership Secretary